Digital Resources
MYTHOLOGY Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes- Edith Hamilton
A PDF Containing an introduction to the classics. A guide and explanation on the Greek Pantheon and the gods within it. Also includes several chapters covering different Myths such as “THE QUEST OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE” and “THE ADVENTURES OF ODYSSEUS”. In addition to myths, text includes profiles on Heroes such as PERSEUS and THESEUS.
Similar Titles to Circe
Greek and Roman Gods
Here is a list of the names of the Greek and Roman gods. They shared a lot of the same stories, but used different names. It would be helpful to print this page and keep it handy.
The Penelopiad- Margret Atwood
The Silence Of The Girls- Pat Barker
The Song of Achilles- Madeline Miller
Ariadne- Jennifer Saint
A Thousand Ships- Natalie Haynes
Pandora's Jar- Natalie Haynes
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in her Head- Warsan Shire
Greek Myths- Marcia Williams
Goddess Girls Series- Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series- Rick Riordan
Mini Myths: Good Job Athena! - Joan Holub and Leslie Patricelli
Mini Myths: Please Share Aphrodite - Joan Holub and Leslie Patricelli
Margret Atwood
Pat Barker
Madeline Miller
Jennifer Saint
Natalie Haynes
Warsan Shire
Joan Holub
Suzanne Williams
Leslie Patricelli
Marcia Williams
Rick Riordan